The Breath is a "secret" powerful way to change how we feel
Have you noticed that youĀ breathe differently when you are calm and happy compared to when feeling scared or angry?

The power of the Breath
The first act in life is to breathe in, and the last we do is breathing out. Your whole life is between these two breaths..
What makes breathing so effective? You've probably noticed tat when you're stressed or angry, it can be hard to think rationally? That's because the part of the brain responsible for rational thinking is impaired, so logic rarely helps you regain control.Ā But with breathing techniques it is possible to gain some control over the mind and thoughts.
Are you aware of your breath this moment? Are you having long or slow inhales or exhales? Do you know that by changing the rhythm of your breath, you can change how you feel? By changing the frequency of your breath, whether you breath short or slow breaths, you can influence how your nervous system responds within a few minutes. That's fantastic! And a bit of magic..
The Breath and the Nervous system
Different breathing exercises have efferent effects on our nervous system. Some can make us relax, while others may make us alert and awake. When you are happy, your breath is regular, deep and even. Conversely, you can use your breath to keep calm with long, deep breaths. You can simply trigger the parasympathetic nervous system (Rest&Digest) which is the nervous system that is active when you feel calm and collected.Ā
when you are worriedĀ or angry, your breath is often more irregular, short, and shallow. sometimes we need to be triggered and active, and ready for action/fleeing away from danger, which is the case when the sympathetic nervous system (Flight&Flight) is activated. In today's society, the trend is that we are so triggered all the time, that we have become unbalanced, and over time this can create chronic stress that is both demanding and destructive to the body.
When you change your breath, and start breathing in different rhythm that are associated with different emotions, you will actually start to feel the corresponding emotions. You can breathe easy and happy! Isn't that wonderful?
A study at Stanford-University found that the nerves that regulate the breath have a direct contact with the arousal center in the brain. By slowing down the rhythm of your breath, i.e. taking longer breaths,Ā you can lower the overall activity in the brain an feel better.