Welcome to my world!
I have always been amazed and curious about this strange magical world.
Where do we come from, why am I me and not someone else...?

So, who am I?
On a daily basis, I work with analyzing steel structures in a global company in the energy sector. At work i have been having yoga-lunch regularly for 8 years.
I attended my first yoga-breathing-course in 1995 after finishing a Master's degree in wave forces at the University of Oslo. I really could feel this breathing and yoga was calming me down. as a squeamish perfectionist, I used to find unnecessary things to pin-point. I simply became more happier for no particular reason when breathing and meditating.
Being curious about the secret behind the techniques, in 1998 I began the journey to become a course instructor myself. Did I get to know more? Yes. hehe... but at the beginning there were more yogic wisdom than my mathematical brain was prepared for. I have been teaching since 2000, and along the way I have upgraded myself with new yogic-vedic wisdom and scientifically knowledge about the body, mind, and breath. This is a lifelong educational journey.
My story
Fortunately, I was a course instructor in breathing-yoga-stress management and well established in my own practice when a car crashed me down as a pedestrian in 2002.
A fractured scull, inner bleeding in the head and a sever concussion; I really don't know how I would have managed to recover without a tool to regain energy, to rest my brain and nervous system.
Breathing exercises, meditation and physical yoga were and are still my lifeline. I really have experienced the power of the different techniques; to rest, to regain focus and concentration, but also to gain energy when the body and head feel completely empty...
Due to my own experience with breathing techniques, yoga and meditation, I just have to share the knowledge with you.
Please do enroll to my FREE course, both to get to know your own breath but also with me as an instructor.
press HERE for the FREE course - PRESENT: NORWEGIAN ONLYYogic learning
- 1998-2000: Art of Living (Teacher Training 2x14 days + 2 year as"trainee" in this period) Art of Living part 1 (registered trademark Sudarshan Kriya) regular updates
- 2010: Art of Living (200 RYS) Sri Sri Yoga Foundation Program, regular updates
- 2021: Yogabody (25 YACEP) Gravity Yoga/Flexibility
- 2021: Yogabody (15 YEACEP) Breath Coach Training
- 2021: Yoga International (8 RYS) Your Spine your Yoga
- 2021-2022: Yoga International (20 RYS) Anatomy and Yoga Therapy conference
- 2022: Art of Living (9 Rys) Healing Resilience and Empowerment- trauma course
- 2022: Yoga International (9 RYS) Yogic Breathing
- 2022: Yoga International (4 RYS) Essentials of Yin Yoga