Yoga = to be in harmony in all the three; body, mind and soul
Yoga is so much more than physical exercises. Yoga makes you flexible, strong and stable in both body and mind.

Yoga for the mind and soul
"Yoga Chitta Vritti Nirodha". The purpose of yoga is to bring harmony between body, mind and soul. Our mind is so active; planning, thinking, worrying and so on.. Without a peaceful and quiet mind, we are not able to experience the harmony within ourselves.
"Samatwam Yoga Uchayate". To be centered and balanced whatever life throws at you; whether you experience major success or fiasco, whether you are respected or people accuse you, whether you win or loose. Being on the yoga mat, practicing the techniques and living the yogic wisdom is a training for meeting the everyday life outside the yoga mat.
Yoga for the body
"Sthiram Sukham Asanam". On the yoga mat; we have to practice doing the different postures with effort but no strain. There is no competition in being most flexible, we do have different type of bodies and joints. Working physical with the body is for having a strong and toned core to make us stable both physical and mentally. Aaaand being able to bend down with ease to tie our shoe laces at the age of 87 even.. A strong and toned body can withstand more adversity when life strikes.Having a strong and flexible body, we often also have a stronger and more flexible mind.
Yoga may:
-increase flexibility
-increase muscle strength and tone the muscles
-reduce inflammation
-boost/give better immunity
-improve balance
-can maintain a balanced metabolism
Yoga vs exercise
Is there any difference between Yoga and other types of exercises? In the core principles of Yoga it definitely is. But today a lot of "Yoga" is practiced in the gyms. In that context, Yoga is not that different from other exercises, bending and stretching. But Yoga is really everything; for the body, for the mind and soul. There are bodily exercises, breathing techniques and yogic knowledge and wisdom about all our layers: body-mind-breath-intellect-memory-ego-soul. An integrated way of living, not just some hours of stretching and moving at the gym during the week.
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